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The BSC Portal will be unavailable Friday, January 22nd from 12pm to 4pm EST, while the site is being upgraded.
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Please fill out the necessary information below to create an account for this Portal.

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Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Country *

Enter a password of at least 6 characters including 1 number, 1 symbol, and a mix of 1 upper and 1 lower case letters.


Re-Type Password

Please note, an associated institution is required in order to submit. Use the box below to search for your institution.

If your institution does not appear in lookup, use Quick Add Institution option available on your profile page after account creation is complete.

Add Institutions

Select an Institution from our Lookup list.

TIP: Type a few characters and wait for the drop down selection. Institutions that are NOT on our database list will not be accepted.

Data Privacy Notice

BSC collects and processes personal information, including your name, business address, business contact information, and the institution with which you are affiliated (collectively, “Personal Information”). BSC will use the Personal Information to manage and track the submission, review, approval of investigator sponsored research (ISR) requests. BSC and certain authorized third parties will use appropriate safeguards to protect your Personal Information from improper or unauthorized access or disclosure, such as Access Control and Authentication Procedures, Pseudondnymization / Encryption of Personal Data in Motion; Workstation Security a Network Security Measures.

You may (1) access your Personal Information collected about you, (2) have inaccuracies corrected, and (3) request the discontinuation of the use and disclosure of your Personal Information by contacting the Boston Scientific Global Privacy Office at GlobalPrivacy@bsci.com or if you are a European Resident, contacting the EU Data Protection Officer at EuropePrivacy@bsci.com.

You may refuse to provide Personal Information to BSC or withdraw your consent to use your Personal Information, although if you do so you may no longer be able to use the Boston Scientific ISR database.Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority of your country [see EU list] where you believe that your rights have been violated.

BSC collect, store and process your information on servers located in the United States.Your information will be accessible to the companies of the Boston Scientific Group, where this is necessary to manage the ISR and to third party supporting this objective.

To lawfully transfer information to the United States, BSC has adhered to the EU-U.S. and Swiss-US. Privacy Shield.

Your personal Information will be kept on these servers for so long as you have an account on IdeaPoint or longer if necessary to comply with a legal obligation (eg of transparency).

By clicking 'Create Account' below, you agree:

  • that BSC and its affiliates may process your Personal Information for the purposes described above;
  • that your Personal Information may be disclosed to third parties by BSC, including other BSC affiliates or third parties appointed to carry out services on behalf of BSC.

By clicking 'Create Account' below, you also agree to the following (US only):

  • You attest that you have not been disbarred by the FDA.

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